公 開 質 問 状 2013年5月23日 〒540-0004 |
〒***-**** (註 1,2)本書には当然記載しています。 |
急白 私どもは、全員カトリック教会に所属している信徒です。 読売新聞大阪版、本年2月21日夕刊に、「池長潤・大阪大司教に聞く」という記事があります。 又、先月(4月)11日にアップされた「カトリック新聞オンライン」においては、
以上、5項目です。 なお私たちは本件報道に驚き、公開され入手可能な資料を集めてみました。私たちで一定の確認が出来次第、全体をレポート致します。 本質問状はWeb上での公開とさせていただきます。URLは下記の通りです。よろしくご確認ください。 頂いたご回答につきましては、上記サイト内に「一切の改変なくその侭」掲載致します。併せてご了承下さい。 お忙しいとは存じますが、ご返答の期限は、本状の到着後二週間以内とさせていただきます。万が一、何のリアクションもいただけない場合は、私どもに対しては「返答をする必要がない」と大司教様が判断されたか、もしくは「返答できる根拠をお持ちでない」ものと受け止めさせていただきます。 既にご承知とは思いますが、本件に関しては、著名な政治家を含め、相当の人たちが話題にしています。しかしながら私たちは私たちの意志で調べているので、他のグループもしくは個人との連携はありません。 なお本文は、下記の方々へも送らせて頂きます。
以上、大変僭越とは存じますが、わたしどもの趣旨は、日本のカトリック教会が世間から誤解を受けることがないようにとの願いから、ことの真相解明に取り組んでいる次第です。 匆々 本文公開予定日 2013年5月27日 |
![]() AN OPEN LETTER May 23, 2013 Your Excellency,
First of all, we wish to let Your Excellency know that all of us are practicing Catholics. We were consternated by Your Excellency’s following statement in an article captioned “The Most Reverend Leo Jun Ikenaga, Archbishop of Osaka, speaks” in the Yomiuri Shimbun evening edition of February 21, 2013: According to the Catholic Weekly Online of April 11, 2013, “a beatification process has been inaugurated in the Netherlands for the bishop and his companions who were said to have been murdered by Japanese Army in China during the World War II” and “the Reverend Masakatsu Fukamizu (Tokyo Archdiocese) took part in the commemorating mass. During that mass, the Reverend Fukamizu read out the Statement signed by the Most Reverend Leo Jun Ikenaga, the president of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan, expressing regrets and an apology for the incident involving Japan and conveying his intention of praying for the beatification process in progress.” Concerning these reports, we would like to make the following 5 items of requests to Your Excellency:
Consternated by these reports, we have collected and are collecting the newspaper articles and other information of those days concerning the martyrdom. These will be made public if necessary. This open letter will be displayed on the Web. Its URL is as follows. We would request Your Excellency to confirm. We would request for Your Excellency’s permission to display alongside all the responses for our requests as they are. We are expecting to receive the responses to our 5 items of requests within 2 weeks after Your Excellency will have received this letter. In the case of no reaction, we would assume either that Your Excellency has deemed it unnecessary to respond or that Your Excellency has no proof to back up the veracity of the information provided with the invitation letter in question. As Your Excellency may be well aware, many people including well-known politicians have already been questioning the attitude of the Catholic Church of Japan concerning this matter. However, we would like to draw Your Excellency’s attention to the fact that we are acting on our own independent of other groups or individuals. We intend to send the copies of this letter to the following parties: 1. All the bishops of the Catholic Church in Japan We are conducting in this obtrusive way to find out the truth about this matter because we do not wish the Catholic Church of Japan to be misunderstood by the general public in any way. In closing, we would thank Your Excellency for his generosity and patience of reading through this letter. May God bestow special favour on Your Excellency. |
Masahiro UEDA, Takahiko USHIJIMA, |