公 開 質 問 状 追 伸 2013年6月17日 〒540-0004 |
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![]() THE FOLLOW-UP TO OUR OPEN LETTER June 17, 2013 The Most Reverend Leo Jun Ikenaga S.J., Your Excellency, Dated May 23, 2013, we wrote an Open Letter to Your Excellency on the subject of the article in the Yomiuri Shimbun of Feb. 21, 2013 and the one in the Catholic Weekly Online of Apr. 11, 2013, and has displayed the Open Letter on Website as of May 27, 2013. That Open Letter clearly stated, “We are expecting to receive the responses to our 5 items of requests within 2 weeks after Your Excellency will have received this letter. In the case of no reaction, we would assume either that Your Excellency has deemed it unnecessary to respond or that Your Excellency has no proof to back up the veracity of the information provided with the invitation letter in question.” Now that, after more than 2 weeks since the Open Letter is supposed to be in the hands of Your Excellency, there is no reaction whatsoever on the part of Your Excellency, we thought it appropriate to take further actions allowable within the scope of our above mentioned statement with all due respect for Your Excellency. We would like to elucidate that statement of ours as follows: (1) The reason why we set the time limit of 2 weeks. (2) Your Excellency may have deemed it unnecessary to respond. (3) Your Excellency may not be in possession of the proof. We intend to send the copy of this letter to the following parties: This FOLLOW-UP TO OUR OPEN LETTER will be displayed on the following website
on June 20, 2013: In closing, we would thank Your Excellency for his generosity and patience of reading through this letter. May God bestow special favor on Your Excellency. |
Masahiro UEDA, Takahiko USHIJIMA, |